I have a lot of houseplants. It's kind of a problem, I just cannot say no to to a weird or beautiful or for that matter, any plant I do not already have. Some of these beautiful specimens have been in my possession for a decade or more. I should have a plant museum...Museum der Groovy Pflanzen or maybe Groovy Museum de Plantis... Feedback? I think I like the Latin! Enjoy!
The aloe herd, full of mini Spikes. |
Moss Curled Parsley grown from seed. No good reason to have four of these, but how could I choose one to live? That is just cruel, so now I have an abundance of a hardly used herb. |
Bottom air plant is a Funkiana |
Ionantha Albo-Marginata |
Steptophylla spp. possibly? 6 to 7 inches in diameter. |
African Violet, the key is to not water to much, only when the top 1/4" is dry. Then water from the bottom to keep the leaves dry. Charlie picked this up for me at Trader Joe's 2 years ago. |
Oxalis Regnelli, Shamrock, has been around around since my 7th grade science fair project on phototropism...I am a nerd, huge nerd. |
Carnivorous plants, it doesn't get much cooler than that. This is a Drosera adelae or Sundew, a native to Queensland, Australia. Small bugs get stuck on the sticky glue spheres that are suspended on tentacles. If you look closely at the picture on the right, there is a small plant forming from the mother plant. This is how this plant reproduces. We feed the plant small bugs every few months.
Love, light, and water!